The Asian Gatka Federation (AGF), established in 2015, stands proudly as a distinguished affiliate of the World Gatka Federation (WGF) and the International Sikh Martial Art Council (ISMAC). These global entities have embarked on a historic mission to propel the martial art of Gatka into international recognition.
Through a united front, comprising WGF, AGF, and ISMAC, concerted efforts have been made to standardize, promote, and reinvigorate Gatka as a competitive sport, extending its influence to encompass Asian nations. These international endeavors, including high-profile competitions and promotional campaigns, serve the dual purpose of safeguarding the rich heritage of this ancient martial art for posterity and rekindling an art form teetering on the edge of oblivion.
The dedicated office bearers of AGF have pledged their unwavering commitment to champion the cause of Gatka on the international stage. They envision a future where Gatka earns its rightful recognition and takes center stage in the esteemed Asian Games besides other Asian competitions. The AGF extends a heartfelt invitation to individuals from all walks of life, encouraging their cooperation, unwavering support, and active participation in realizing this long-cherished aspiration, one that has endured for decades.
We extend a warm invitation to all to join hands with AGF, sponsor our initiatives, and contribute to the advancement of this noble cause. It is our firm belief that this sport will not only divert the youth from the perils of intoxicants and narcotics but also inspire them to embrace the enduring tapestry of our traditional values.
With warm regards,