Elevating Gatka to Asian and Olympic Glory
The Asian Gatka Federation (AGF) and World Gatka Federation (WGF) have jointly set their sights on an ambitious endeavor – the inclusion of Gatka in the Asian Games and Olympic Games. In preparation for this milestone, an extensive modernization plan has been carefully devised. This visionary project aims to introduce Gatka onto the international competition scene, featuring upgraded infrastructure and cutting-edge IT techniques for tournament management.
To accomplish this remarkable feat and propel Gatka into the future, AGF and WGF have outlined a comprehensive strategy. Here are key proposals:
1. To introduce a real-time scoreboard, providing instant judgment information within the arena.
2. To implement a user-friendly online tournament entry system for players and officials to register online, enabling swift result declarations and meticulous record-keeping through the Gatka TSR system.
3. To include a bout replay facility on LED screens to swiftly address scoring disputes through video umpire.
4.  utilizing high-definition video cameras for live match broadcasts.
5.  To replace wooden Gatka sticks with innovative fiber sticks embedded with sensors and microchips for streamlined scoring and foul calculations.
6. To incorporate additional safety equipment such as face guards, chest guards, shoulder guards, inner guards, and shin guards.
7. To introduce smart ID cards for players and officials, featuring unique IDs and QR coding for secure information management.
8. To implement grading and ranking systems for national and international players and officials.
9. To issue authentic certificates embedded with holograms and bar/QR coding for enhanced authenticity.
10. To procure synthetic inter-locking mats for Gatka grounds, complete with pre-demarcated field boundaries.
            With these comprehensive modernization efforts, Gatka is poised to take its rightful place on the international stage, embodying its rich traditions and values while embracing the future. The AGF and WGF are committed to making this vision a reality.